Monday, November 29, 2010

Wellington part 2

We are settling into our new apartment in Wellington. We finally were able to post some pics today and there are some more under this post. The internet is based on mbs here like the good old days so it takes forever and is expensive to post unless you can find some free internet at cafes and what not. Chad is enjoying his job and Ashley is finding some random temp work at functions etc but its hard because Wellington is such a central place for backpackers to stop and find jobs before hitting the south island. Speaking of the south island, our ferry ride is booked and we are heading there January 1st and hoping to continue to live in our campervan for about 1-2 months before settling down and finding work again before Australia.
Here is some random info about living in Kiwi land...
- Everyone says "heaps" for was heaps of fun and there is heaps to do
- It is much like Canada and the US with New Zealand being Canada and Australia being the US..or so we are told
- Kiwis are actually the bird and they are almost extinct so we haven't seen any yet!
- Everything is really really expensive...two beers at a bar will run you about $20
- You cannot turn left on a red light even though you drive in the left just doesn't make sense!
- There really are sheep everywhere just outside the cities!!
- It's beatiful here! Either you are on the coast or in rolling green covered volcanoes spotted with sheep.
That's all for now....Enjoy the pics!

Huka Falls - Outside Taupo

Freyberg Beach - Downtown Wellington
We "Freedom Camped" here for 5 days!

Highway lookout
Once outside the cities almost everywhere looks like this!

View of downtown Wellington

Random small town to spend a day in...

1 comment:

  1. Just so you know I'm living vicariously through you two at the moment!


Vermont - Growler Style

 This past October we completed the Green Growler Backpacking loop. We went in the fall and were so lucky to have the colours all around us....