Friday, March 29, 2013

Hong Kong

Arrived safely in Honk Kong. We are in the middle of figuring out visas for mainland given that it is Easter and all the government offices are closed until Tuesday. We will spend today exploring the city and the surrounding islands while hopefully getting visas processed at the airport. 
We are excited to be in a new place but leaving Nepal was really hard given the incredible people we met and the amazing experiences we will never forget.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Over the pass and around Annapurna

We completed the Annapurna circuit yesterday after 17 days of hiking in the Himalayas. We will post more details and pictures as the internet connection permits. All is all is was, once again, one of the best experiences we have had to date. Amazing landscape, great people and a successful summit makes for great memories added onto an already unforgettable trip.


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Before the pass...

We are currently on day 7 of the Annapurna trek and it has been incredible so far! We found a place with internet that just works so thought we would post a quick message.
We are on a rest day before we attempt the pass over 5450m in the next few days.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Gone Trekking

We have made it to the start of our approximately 3 week trek in the Himalayas. Despite the power outages and government strike we were able to get here and are really looking forward to doing Annapurna Circuit Track!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


We are currently in a little town called Bandipur, it is so cute. We love it here. We did some hiking to a rural Nepali village and some amazing caves yesterday and found out last night that the country is now on strike given the We are currently in a little town called Bandipur, it is so cute. We love it here. We did some hiking to a rural Nepali village and some amazing caves yesterday and found out last night that the country is now on strike given the political hardships. It is unknown how long it will last and it means no cars on the roads and most things are closed. We could think of worst places to be stuck but we hope to find out way to start our hike in the next few days. could think of worst places to be stuck but we hope to find out way to start our hike in the next few days.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Nepal and the Aussie embassy

We left India with excitement to arrive in Nepal but wondering if Nepal would live up to our expectations. After only a few days we can already say that Nepal is a very special place and that we are so excited to explore it! We arrived in Kathmandu and were greeted by a friend from western, Kieh, who has been living here since 2010. Her fiancé works for the Australian embassy and so their living quarters are inside the compound. Who would have ever thought we would be staying with our Canadian friend inside the Australian embassy in Nepal.
We are planning our next move and cannot wait to get into the Himalayas and start some trekking!!!

Namaste India...

It is always hard to summarize a trip and find the words to express how you felt about a place. India was an amazing and unique experience that neither if us will soon forget! We met incredible people, saw things you can never put into words and left India knowing that we will likely someday return.

We were reading through an older lonely planet and it featured a summary that was more eloquently worded that we ever could write so here it is... We think it sums it up pretty well.

India, it is often said, is not a country but a continent. From north to south and east to west the people are different, the languages are different, the customs are different, the country is different. There are few countries on earth with the enormous variety that India has to offer and it's a place which somehow gets into your blood. Love it or hate it, you can never ignore India. It's not an easy country to handle and more that a few visitors are are only too happy to finally be getting onto that aircraft and flying away. Yet a year later they will be hankering to get back.
It all comes back to that amazing variety - it is as crowded as it is vast, as luxurious as it is squalid, the plains are as flat and featureless as the Himalayas are high and spectacular, the food is as terrible ad it can be magnificent (we actually found the food to always be incredible!) , the transport as exhilarating as it can be boring and uncomfortable. Nothing is ever quite as you expect it to be.
India is by far the easiest country in the world to travel around. It can be hard going, the poverty will get you down , the bureaucracy would try the patience of even a Hindi saint and even the most experienced travellers find themselves at the end of their tempers at some point in India.
Yet it is all worth it as it truly is one if the most special places on earth.

Crete to Athens

The final leg of the our Crete bike tour took us to Elafonisi. We prepped for a large uphill climb and  smooth descent to the beach. It was ...